In 1995 we traveled to the Red Sea, starting our trip in Cairo where we spent several days marveling at the sphinx, the pyramids, the vast open air markets and the museums. After arriving in the middle of the night it was amazing to open the shutters of our hotel window in the morning and gaze on the great pyramid seemingly right outside our window

From Cairo we flew to Sharm El Sheikh at the tip of the Sinai Peninsula and boarded a small liveaboard that was crewed by Egyptians, except for the young American couple who were the dive masters. It was my initial experience on a liveaboard. The boat was a converted fishing boat and accommodations were fairly primitive. But the diving was fantastic. My son Gabriel and Don accompanied me, with Gabe diving and Don snorkeling for the first time. Unfortunately almost all my film from the trip was ruined in processing. But among the few shots that were developed are some of my favorites.
The trip was in the heat of the summer with outside temperatures over 100 degrees, though on the boat breezes kept it tolerable. The water was a surprisingly chilly 75-78 degrees.
Following a week of diving we traveled by van along the Sinai coast to Eilat where we crossed the border into Israel and spent the next two weeks.